Measure beyond the click

Using last touch attribution caused you to give 100% credit to whoever touched the user last.  That lead to a lot of bad decisions. 

Once Apple deprecated the IDFA, it caused iOS performance measurement to go haywire. 

While some ad platforms rely exclusively on SKAdNetwork, some continue with fingerprinting, causing performance reporting to be completely skewed.

iOS user attribution will only get more blurry with the launch of Privacy Sandbox.

You need a measurement solution that goes beyond the click.


INCRMNTAL is the Future of iOS Measurement

Our platform measures the actual value generated by your channels, campaigns, and ad groups without relying on user level data. 

  • Optimize your iOS ad spend based on its true value 
  • Measure the incrementality of your iOS marketing activities
  • Eliminate the channels which cannibalize organics (or other channels)
  • Measure the impact of app featuring
  • Integrate in a day without any SDKs

How INCRMNTAL measures iOS campaigns?

  1. Link your marketing data to INCRMNTAL effortlessly.
  2. INCRMNTAL analyzes your marketing changes like mini experiments.
  3. It takes 2 minutes for the platform to measure and report the value from your marketing actions.

Check out a few case studies from iOS App Developers

using our platform:

Gamehouse Mobile

It sometimes takes just one measurement to show why incrementality measurement is a better way to make decisions about testing new channels, scaling spend up or down. While attribution only reports based on a user-match, incrementality looks at the true impact. We've been using INCRMNTAL for our established and soft launched games, measuring value, rather than only counting impressions and clicks.

Holy Water

The INCRMNTAL platform provided bi-weekly insights about the incrementality of operational marketing changes - from launching a new channel, to small changes in the bids, which helped us onboard faster and start getting value from day one. We have been able to implement operational and strategic marketing changes that have helped us increase our gross profit by 20%


When evaluating a new platform or tool, one of the primary concerns is always the resources required for integration. INCRMNTAL, however, addressed this issue admirably. The integration process was remarkably swift, taking just a few minutes, and it demanded no engineering resources. In stark contrast to solutions that necessitate SDK integration, INCRMNTAL's integration was seamlessly managed through its self-service user interface. This allowed us to get insights about the incrementality of campaigns which started months ago within minutes!

Our platform is trusted by the following iOS App Developers:
